Friday, November 15, 2013

Dangers of Using Chemical and Biological Warfare

Chemical and biologic warf ar is the wartime use of chemic substances, bacteria, viruses and toxins to effectively upon or kill soldiers and civilians (Chemical and biological Warfare, 1999). The borderline between chemical substance substance and biological warfare genes has started to lose importance as a leave alone of the rapid development of biotechnology (Chemical and biological Warfare, 1999). Biotechnology has en sufficientd the large production of new types of substances (Chemical and biologic Warfare, 1999). Poisonous gases that are adapted to damage nitty-grittys, blood, or grate and lung tissues are one framing of chemical weapons. Chemical agents whitethorn be volatile, which is they are able to evaporate rapidly to hold clouds of the agent. Some chemical agents may be absorbed by skin or lungs, which origin injury. Some chemical agents are able to act directly on skin, lungs, and membranes (Null, 2003). As chemical weapons are spread they create less deadly. Some chemical agents are so wholesome that they exceed the toxicity of nerve agents by several orders of magnitude. In the long run chemical weapons may become an even so more serious threat. biologic warfare, often called ?germ warfare?, has never in truth been employed on the battlefield (Chemical and Biological Warfare, 1999). An aerosol nebuliser can is able to disperse a biological agent but the contents must be inhaled to have some(prenominal) effect. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Biological warfare agents include both living microorganisms and toxins produced by microorganisms, plants, or animals (Null, 2003). A bi ological agent, if right on dispersed can b! e immensely destructive and lethal to plant, animals and humans. Biological agents have the ability to multiply and self uphold in the perfect environment. Food, water, and other products can be begrime by biological agents. When biological weapons mutate it frustrates protective measures greatly. It is a feature that substantial amounts of biologically active weapons have been produced... If you exigency to develop a full essay, order it on our website:

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